Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thanksgiving and the Holidays

I am doing what I was never able to do before. I am just relaxing for Thanksgiving and celebrating the Holidays early. I do not have any pressure to do my assignments well. This is more of what makes me special. I am not that smart, and I would not have to be. The reason why I joined this program is that it is an easier one in the college of engineering. There are people in this industry that never went to college. They become an apprentice or just go from job to job learning new skills and gaining experience. I give up on my cost and scheduling class. It seems like I need to do everything all over again when it was not wrong and that I am still going to have to take that class again if I did. It is crazy here. Most people do not pass, and if you were, you would not pass either because that is not viewed as fair. That is the gist of what I am getting after being here almost 2.5 years. I am not sure about it, but I do not think I could pass that class the first time whether I was qualified or not. I have to take it again with the capstone that you do not need in a bachelor's program. They are never teaching you how to do estimates or scheduling in class. You cannot find it online unless it is in bits and pieces in videos. You have to get a job you are not qualified to get first to learn anything important. I still need experience to learn everything I want about carpentry. I do not plan to get it though. 

Something else crossed my mind. I have been wearing glasses since I was a kid (in second grade). I do not think I would be this nearsighted if they told me that the TV and computer screens were straining my eyes with their blue light. They told me it was fine and that it was not good. I was just a kid. I trusted them. Everyone had a television, and you needed to do so much homework on computers. However, my vision has stopped changing after not using computers or switching to blue light glasses. My vision has not changed for over ten years, but it is nearsighted. It is not right how they never tell you, but phones, computers and televisions can cause eye strain and vision loss. 

There are so many cases I could pursue civil lawsuits about, I think I should. I could make enough money to retire early. It seems like it is not smart to work because it is crazy here, but maybe I do not have to. It is so crazy in Japan. Everything is in Chinese and Japanese. You have to read both to get through their signs. Some kanji words look like mumble jumbo or curly cues. I am not sure about it. How long does it take to count votes when you have voting machines? They still are not sure about the elections two weeks after they happened. I do not believe democrats are the majority. They aborted most of their children twenty years ago. People who kept their children were conservative and Republican. They were pro life. Democrats shouldn't be winning any major elections where majority rules. All the catholic, Christians, and conservatives who kept all five of their children twenty years ago raised them conservative and are replacing the dying baby boomers. There's no way Biden won in the Bible belt --- in Georgia. I believe they had illegal mail-in ballots that were miscounted our not counted at all (when they were for Trump). It was easy for that election to be rigged. Biden can't even give a speech. He is so old. This is a national security problem. He makes the United States look weak to its communist enemies such as China, Russia, and North Korea. 

Also, I have become extra picky about protecting my ears. The headphones they sell online everywhere that you put inside your ear canal are not safe. I do not use those. I have to wear headphones. If you accidently blast the volume too loud, it can cause hearing loss over time. I am too young to wear hearing aids, but that is where those headphones were taking me. I do not put anything inside my ears and keep my volume turned down low.

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