Sunday, October 9, 2022


I wish the pill in the Limitless movie was real. It gets my imagination going. What if you could take a pill and unlock your genius? Finish that book. Crack the code to trends in the stock market. Things would be looking up then. I have not discovered anything close to the theory of everything, but that is what physicists are talking about. They are searching for answers to the universe and where it comes from. I am fascinated by general relativity (E=mc^2). I have this wild dream that I think is from my left brain I can't hear well. If I turned smarter, I would prove where I come from and why I am here with the theory of everything to support my Christian faith. I am into equations. I want to write a dictionary describing everything in equations. I think it all comes down to numbers. I think the whole universe can be described with words, equations, or numerically. If I can derive a dictionary describing the universe, maybe that will help me or anyone summarize them into a unifying theorem (the theory of everything). I have crazy ideas. I am not awake if I am that smart to do that somewhere. I like to think about it though. I wish I was. I have a crazy theory called the certainty principle. I think things coming in the future will certainly happen and it is predictable through math equations. I want to get it organized so I can predict events in the future. Sounds like a good book idea. I wish it were possible, but that is all I heard. I still have not come through to prove my theory. 

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