Thursday, September 29, 2022

This Week

This week, I realized how hard my classes are this semester. They are harder than the ones I took last year. I am not sure if I am going to pass again like in physics and structural analysis. I was concerned about graduating before starting this degree. I took a lot of hard math, economics, and accounting classes at Pitt Community College before transferring to build my confidence. My classes are so hard. You almost have to be a genius to pass. I didn't realize they were this hard. As for my last semester, normally a capstone is saved for a master's degree. I do not know if I am going to make it. I will try my best. That is all I can do. 

I just give up on my books and songs. It seems like people are not sure they are good until after you die. It is not worth producing them if they will never get discovered. The odds are so much against me. I think they are hit songs. I have a third album recorded on my phone. But, I need to learn an instrument to produce them well. I have pretty much given up on that for now. I can only do one thing at a time.

I have so much homework. I am overwhelmed by papers and assignments. I have not used Spanish or Portuguese in so long that I have forgotten a lot. I usually watch the news and television. I am so consumed with college and no one speaks it around me. However, I could always brush up on them. I learn vocabulary faster when I knew them before. I am so stressed out with school I am just doing one thing at a time. I am not sure I will ever graduate. I will find out this year if I will pass the first try or ever. Senior year may be too hard for me. 

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