Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Police do not Help Me

I am looking at faces television for petite black women that look like teenager when they are black. I do not get help from the police. I imagine their bone structure and compare their face to my skull. I just imagine it, but there are girls that look so much like me that I wonder if it was just me. Too identical, and it is a match like a fingerprint. No one else really has my face. Isn’t that interesting? Judith Light looks like me if I had light skin and got old. I haven’t been Jada Pinkett Smith, and I do not know when she dies. She looks like me with light skin. Sade looked even more like me with light skin in the 80’s. 

People who will die after a short life time, whether it is lived normally or time travelled, are always weird to be around. Tomorrow or in a few minutes, they die. They are hard to kill before and after they are dead. You cannot be sure it is so easy to make them work for you or if they just work for themselves because they are creepy. They may have supernatural strength like a 6 foot ape that is homo sapien. My name is Nikki when I am light skinned or Nick if I’m a white guy in the Backstreet Boys. It is hard to be sure all of me is dead. You do not want me to come for you. It looks like I’m not going to stay dead. Nick Carter still looks 25 in an eternal way. He is muscular like a Frankenstein. Is he your stripper by day? He’s a weird frankenstein too. My will has spoken!

Are you going to be the first?

Although I have no phone number or phone of my own, my address and a number from a phone I borrow is listed online and it has been for years. But, you cannot be sure if I am the one using it. I never was paying the bill. I would normally be so unlisted. I never made that much money to retire or collect social security. I looked so much like Ruby Bridges when I was five. She and Lauren Palmer look so much like me down to their eyes, nose, mouth with slight differences that I have if I am only five or if I gained weight. It is not that easy to take everything from someone. You should think before you try. What if you die trying? I should have been dead though. It must not really be that easy. I live across the street from Savannah Place, which has large homes that are so expensive, but my neighborhood is full of foster kids and is down the road from the projects. Is that were they have parties (Savannah Place)? I do not know who lives over there all year. 

Let's be reasonable. It is not smart to believe you will be the first one to do so much wrong to me. Let's think it through like a math problem. Here is what I am thinking: I do not remember everything from the parts of my brain that are asleep and controlling my breathing and heartbeat, but what if I wake up? I look like I will very soon. It looks like this planet is time travelling. I do not believe the Gregorian calendar we use and Jewish people do not either. The number of sun and moonrises are not the same. There are more sunrises. That can put your year way ahead or way behind after a while. After 12 months of being way ahead, are you really behind the real date? The Hebrew calendar says this is 5783. There are times when the sunrises are way ahead of the moon's, and it is actually behind the real year. There are times when the month is actually way ahead of the real year. So, it looks like this planet is time travelling. It moves at a different speed than real time. It travels around the sun way faster than a space shuttle. I look like I am 12 years old, but the calendar says I am 35. So many people look way younger than their age like J Lo and Adam Levine. When do they get old? Maybe they time travelled. 

I am telling you. I have never looked good, but I did not have a disease when I started kindergarten in 1993. I am still alive like I was not on medication. There was not smart medication for sexually transmitted diseases in 1993. I should have died by 2008 when I was 20 if I had HIV and gonorrhea like I looked like. Or, if I had discolored skin like a time traveling dead person I could still make it and never look good that way. I need to look good like Lauren Palmer. I'm just so black. I must have time travelled. I was already Aaliyah, but I have not been in SWV although she looks like me more than Aaliyah if I turned black. What if I woke up and remembered how to turn myself black? It would be harder to kill me than if I was never alive. Is it rational to think you are gonna be the first one? You are probably not the first one who has tried.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Local MD Psychiatrists

I went to see a psychiatrist today. They are not a medical doctor but started the MD program, changed their studies to psychiatry, and claim they are a doctor still, but which one is it? A counselor that did not get a medical degree or a real doctor. They say they will not give you any medical care if you get sick while being hospitalized at a mental hospital, and it looks illegal. So, is the medicine they give good for you? You have to take it, but they do not look willing to help you. They are only willing to hurt you. It really does not sound right. 

I felt unsafe visiting the real MD psychiatrist because he looks like a hoe. I am not sure if people in the yellow pages do what they claim to do or if they do something nothing else that is disguised by their publicized business. 

I wonder if my family is running the bloods and the crips in LA and I was raised so far away in NC and still do not know today. I just walked away from the streets after living there for years. I get money for disability that I do not have. I wanted government housing, but they force me to get SSI Disability although I am not willing to have my reputation painted in a dishonest light. I am not blind or that slow, but I have to get money. It is out of my control. I do not get enough to pay my bills and I think it was run out someday. Is it laundered money from LA? 

I am not sure all of my family is slow. Maybe one of my parents isn’t and is running everything from NC. I think my mom and brother really are slow, but it looks smart. Who is? Am I really safe after living with in LA or am I kept doped up? Something does not look right unless I am a blood. Whoever my family is, they send money through SSI when I never worked. How long do I have to get their drug money? My life is so unusual!

I think the police from LA are just selling drugs, I do not know why you would have a career in police work if you are that well off to live in LA. They never helped me. They drive around all day, but they have indemnity if they are illegal. They are not charged with crimes they commit. They do not look right. They are too smart to be police. I never call the police hear either. I do not think they would help. 

I Decide My Destiny

People who are famous and live in a big house look like they are advertising that they are a hoe. Somebody with rape them and steal and their money, but everyone has to know who they are. I am not sure if the children in foster care are just wanted criminals that escape the system by hiding out that way. It is not safe to live near foster families. You could be wearing a mask and wig that looks so real and being earning your academy award everyday. 

No body really knows what Will Smith looks like. When he gets off the camera, he takes that shit off his face. What if he has an elaborate makeup job like Mrs. Doubtfire? 

Being born into a slow family that misspells their French name and does not know how to pronounce it could be the safest way to go. I never worked, I never earned a lot of money someone would steal. Black people that live in the projects on government assistance in big cities like NY or LA look less like hoes. They don’t got no money of their own to steal. Somebody white who has so much money paid everything, they don’t look attractive or smart, and they do not even know they if they are smart. They ain’t running for office ever going to make their own fortune if that would shoot them straight to the top of a porn star career. They is just struggling in them streets, and they got the best chance of staying free.

I do not think I will live long. I just take one day at a time. No one believes I was homeless, and I do not know why I was homeless for so long. I do not know why they always just drove by me when I should have been killed. Sometimes I wonder what they thought to keep driving by. Maybe it was make a good plot for a book. I wish I knew. I shouldn’t be alive. I slept every night and woke up rested. I only took bird baths and never washed my clothes, but I smelled like I did. I stayed to see miracles. It was so miraculous. I through old clothes that were worn when they had holes, but they sure smelled dry cleaned.

Maybe they were scared of me. I should have been dead and stayed away. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Fart Gas At Work

The reason white the air looks so clean in the future in the Meet the Robinsons animated movie is that it is clean and white, isolated oxygen. With a rise in oxygen levels, both brain and body systems benefit from increased functional capacities. Just think what you would be capable of if your atmosphere was 100% oxygen and not 80% nitrogen gas. 

Heightened temperatures are sustained by high velocity fart gas and friction with the air gases. This is raise warm fart temperatures to fiery levels. Hot air rises, but do we really want gas that is on fire? This could easily be diagnosed as a fart gas. 

Just consider a NASA team returning to Earth and the friction that sparks fiery combustion on the heat shield. High speed expulsion experienced during fart action can cause fart gases to be on fire. How fast does hot fart air rise above cooler oxygen on the ground? Is it like a rocket? It isn’t oxygen, though. This type of atmospheric activity is probably fart gas action at work.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Hebrew Calandar

I agree with Hebrew calendar that says this is the seventh month of 5783. I think the Gregorian calendar is inaccurate. There are variations the moon and sun rises. They should be equal. There is tholin life on Pluto. There is a fusion power plant in France. It is a star. They have star power that could be limitless. There are several planets after Mars that are gas giants, which are normally stars. What if we are living on a star that looks like Earth and time flies when it time travels and people are having fun? Children grow up so fast. This is a brand new blue star that looks like Earth if it is a star. It is not hot. They could open a wormhole to a different dimension in Cern, Switzerland and accelerate particles in a Hadron collider to faster than the speed of light. Is this more normal in 2023 or 5783? We are way advanced technologically on our planet that surrounded by stars. It is like we are in a binary solar system with at least two suns. Saturn has the same elements as the Sun (hydrogen and helium), and it is the same color. It normally glows. 

God’s Chosen People

Maybe we are all children of Israel. The Jewish Law and Prophets writings as the Tanakh. The promise to Abraham in the Bible is that he would be the father of many nations: as the stars in the heavens or the sand of the sea shore so numerous shall his seed be according to the promise. The Gospel of a Jewish Messiah complete with the Torah and Tanakh are going around the world via the Bible and various mediums. There were always African Jews: like Noah’s son Ham and the woman in the Song of Songs. She had dark skin that was so darkened by the sun. If black people are Jews, maybe everyone nation could be because they look the most different. Then, every people would be God’s chosen people. 

You will not believe how identical the French, Italians, Spanish and Portuguese people are with Hebrews or middle eastern people. They could be from the Middle East. Are they all Hebrew? You didn’t know I was Hebrew, but I read the Bible in too many translations like a Jew and quote it from Gospel music. You can fulfill Hebrew prophecy by being a Jew from different nation. They are spiritual people and New York accent anywhere. Many Orthodox Jews live in NYC: Is the Italian accent just Jewish? They look so Jewish with light skin and dark brown or black hair. Hebrews believe in a Jewish Messiah prophesied by their prophets (like Isaiah 53). They are messianic Jews like Christians. The whole world is chosen!