Saturday, April 8, 2023

God’s Chosen People

Maybe we are all children of Israel. The Jewish Law and Prophets writings as the Tanakh. The promise to Abraham in the Bible is that he would be the father of many nations: as the stars in the heavens or the sand of the sea shore so numerous shall his seed be according to the promise. The Gospel of a Jewish Messiah complete with the Torah and Tanakh are going around the world via the Bible and various mediums. There were always African Jews: like Noah’s son Ham and the woman in the Song of Songs. She had dark skin that was so darkened by the sun. If black people are Jews, maybe everyone nation could be because they look the most different. Then, every people would be God’s chosen people. 

You will not believe how identical the French, Italians, Spanish and Portuguese people are with Hebrews or middle eastern people. They could be from the Middle East. Are they all Hebrew? You didn’t know I was Hebrew, but I read the Bible in too many translations like a Jew and quote it from Gospel music. You can fulfill Hebrew prophecy by being a Jew from different nation. They are spiritual people and New York accent anywhere. Many Orthodox Jews live in NYC: Is the Italian accent just Jewish? They look so Jewish with light skin and dark brown or black hair. Hebrews believe in a Jewish Messiah prophesied by their prophets (like Isaiah 53). They are messianic Jews like Christians. The whole world is chosen!

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