Monday, March 16, 2020

Taylor Davis

          I just watched an amazing free webinar by violinist Taylor Davis. She was so encouraging about how an independent artist could make it in the music industry today. It's more geared towards independent artists without a record deal than ever before. She has great nerdy music too. I never would have thought I'd enjoy nerdy violin music, but I think she has something there. I went to her YouTube channel, and she had millions of followers listening to her play nerdy violin music. There's a niche for everything like she said in her webinar. You only need 1000 true fans who invest $100 in you a year to make a living at music. That gives me hope for my book. I've been working on my second book, a sequel, since Sunday and have written most of it. I have about 30 pages done about the Rapture and the Great Tribulation. It's not as long as my first book, but it should work because it's going to be an ebook.

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