Sunday, November 27, 2022

Blade Runner 2049

There is another movie that I found that repeating the same idea about all the humans dying in the future from some kind of nuclear bomb. The only hope that is left are clones that are trying to have children like humans. I got this idea from Blade Runner with Harrison Ford, Blade Runner 2049, Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant with Amy Adams, and The 6th Day with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I have been watching Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 this evening. Clones are evil they look so much like special humans but find out they are not special at all. It is not right to clone people. They call them replicants in Blade Runner. That means a copy. Who wants to be a copy? It is not right to make people who aren't special and use them like they are expendable. They would not want to be created. It is a waste land in Blade Runner 2049. The tree in the movie is dead. Everything green is dead. It is like something radioactive decimated everything in seconds. I am trying to figure this out. 

They turn out to all be clones in the Divergent series. Only few people are special enough to have all the personality traits in Divergent like dauntless, candor, erudite, etc. That is what they think is special and human. They are jealous of you if you are divergent and do not fit into any of the personality groups. There would be a war. They live closed off from the world in a walled city. The outside has been destroyed and has high radiation levels. Divergent people are more special than the others. These clone people from the future do not sound good. The aliens, clones, and A.I. may not be good if they turned smarter.

I do not think any humans are alive after a certain year on Earth. The humans who remain are not really on Earth. It is on another planet no matter how much like Earth it looks. Humans are in the Rapture or killed during the Tribulation period by a certain date. Then, there are only clones on Earth. Further in the future, like in The Peripheral, human minds may be living there that people from the future think are polts or poltergeists. They think you are already dead and are a ghost. They are evil, but they may kill you because you are crazy dead and it could help you. The polts are in shock and do not remember they died. If you died, you could be crazy in the future after 2030. Your body could have become a clone that is like a robot and think it lives on like in Blade Runner 2049 and The 6th Day. But, I think you must have died if you are from Earth and eventually will go to Heaven. Heaven in the Bible is on Earth. In the future, the New Jerusalem comes down to Earth. Whereever you live, your Heaven is on Earth. You could have also left in the Rapture. The tribulation lasts 7 years after the Rapture. 

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