Friday, November 18, 2022

I Plead Insanity

I watched a new episode of The Peripheral on Prime Video. It is a pretty good show. I do not plan to go anywhere on vacation. I am low-income on disability, but that is what is smart here. I do not have any money people could take away from me. It is crazy here. Someone could sue you for all the money you ever earned or put you in jail on circumstantial evidence. I only have other people's money to give them. I have my disability from tax payers. I have so many insanity defenses to protect me. I am on medication, I see a psychiatrist, I am on disability, and I live my mother. I could plead insanity like nobody's business and never go to jail or show up in court. I get a quick summary judgment and never showed up. Other people have to pay for my legal fees. Wouldn't mess with me. You end up paying for it. It is too crazy here. I think whatever money I make will be sued and I will end up with my mom again. I plan to live with her as long as I can, and maybe that is all I can do although I am smart enough to work. I am not that crazy to need medication if it could help with more than a small problem. I haven't gotten to the bottom of all this. I do not know why my life has been so hard. 

I did a lot of homework today. I took a quiz for marketing management. I studied for construction economics. I looked through the second power point. I read two chapters for equipment management. I plan to work on my marketing and equipment projects this weekend. It was a productive day. 

Did you know the water in bottled water is not pure? Also, the plastic bottles that they use can cause breast cancer. Isn't the city supposed to purify your running water? They did not treat it and left chloride and fluoride in the water. I can brush my teeth with tap water. This is on top of all the moldy food in boxes at grocery stores that has preservatives in it they don't need. You shouldn't eat preservatives. They are not food. They cover them up with too much salt and sugar. Even though I can't work, I think I could use money have saved from disability to talk to a lawyer. This could go all the way to the supreme court. This covers food and water across the country. And, you know I don't have to pay for the legal fees if it goes that far. I just get a check. This looks like a class action lawsuit that everyone could get paid about. If you are not crazy enough to notice, you could really get paid. Also, the sugar in mint floss, mouthwash, and toothpaste is why my teeth were always about to have cavities. I use baking soda now. My teeth stay white. That's what it was. There is sugar in all the toothpaste. I thought that was supposed to clean my teeth. I almost got cavities from using them though. I have to come up with an idea to keep my money first. Until then, I live with my mom. 

Something crossed my mind. I just have to keep living with my mom, and I can come into a large settlement. We both can. We could be living good. I have to think about it. We will see.

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