Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Winans Family

I completely understand if you never believe this: I heard when I was picking out my DNA from my parents that my mother had changed a lot of hers. She does not look like she is supposed to down to her DNA. She is supposed to look like Cece Winans. I do not know when she lived that life, but she is so special with being creative and smart. I used that gene from her and a gene from my father that makes me darker-skinned. She is a Winans. I was listening to the record playing and was smart about listening to music like her family. They have a nice sound to their music and write hit songs. I was listening and was smart about singing. I could sing and listen to music and tell it's good. They played "Addictive Love" by Cece and Bebe Winans. Uncle Bebe was talking to me. He said they were natural (physical) like me and it is so special here. There are other dimensions. You could be a mind or a spirit. He was asking are you a girl or a boy? I showed I'm a girl. I pushed a button for girl out of two that were in front of me. I could be a boy, so my Uncle Bebe was there to show me what a boy looks like from my mom's side of the family. I also got to meet some of the family. If I was a boy, I would look like my Uncle Bebe. My brother looks like a boy from the Winans family. Though I look different from my other lives, he offered to help me get famous when try again. I had to make sure I used what was special from my mom. Mom Winans looks like my grandmother. She was light-skinned and so beautiful. My brother may be a dream singer from the 1990s. He was the lead singer in Boys II Men. I do not know when he did that, but he could have time traveled the whole life and come again in this one. It could look like he is still living that life. Sometimes famous people come and lead normal lives. Again, I understand if you never believe me. That is what I heard about them. I have smart memories of my birthday. I remember the doctor clamping my head with forceps so hard. It was pitch dark. I started crying. I was pulled out with forceps.  

Some of the videos on the Preserve channel on You Tube look like a genius. There "Addictive Love" video looks extra special. It is like when I was listening in utero. Also, the picture of American ID on America's Most Wanted looks like a real genius. It looks like American DNA. The snapshots looks smart like a photo from a genius' memory. I guess they picked it out because it looked really good. There are people who look so real. The way the light up in Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightly. The light in her eyes when she smiles. It is like something out of a Jane Austen novel. It is so real. I do not know how they know how to do their expressions so well. It is like they have been to the 1800s. There were no moving pictures back then to show them smiling. They have nailed it in Hollywood. It has always been that way. People from the past, maybe they are working on Broadway and in Hollywood now in Victorian pictures. I thought that was uncanny. No wonder they got the role. The stretch the limits of the imagination or they time travel. When I go to Heaven, I dreamed I was going gold mining in 1849 California since I am from LA. Eureka! I've struck it rich! I'm going to the 1849 Gold Rush. As a child, I wish I could find gold but it seemed like all the gold that there is has been found. I have different clothes I am going to wear. I normally wear what makes me look the best in my dreams, but I have a country swede jacket with strings hanging from the sleeves to wear and cowboy boots. I was riding a covered wagon in my dreams. You wouldn't believe it. 

Also, the History Channel thinks ancient Egyptians were aliens. They had too much technology and advancement in their architecture. I question ancient Greeks and Romans too. Maybe they are from the future. They had the same concrete use today in ancient Rome. Look at the Parthenon. We still have not figured out how to move such large pieces of marble with clean energy. They were way ahead of their time. 

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